Языковое путешествие: Изучение английского через культуру Великобритании

Радмила Шарифьянова

Эта книга предлагает уникальный подход к изучению английского языка через погружение в культуру Великобритании. Пособие включает в себя тексты на английском языке про достопримечательности, города, культурные места и другие интересные темы Великобритании, а также задания для практики изученной лексики. В книге вы найдете интервью с людьми, путешествующими по Великобритании, и диалоги, которые помогут вам погрузиться в языковую среду и получить ценный опыт общения на английском.


Exploring Manchester: A city of history, culture and innovation

Manchester is a vibrant and bustling city located in the northwest of England. It is known as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and one of the most famous football cities in the world. The city has a rich history that dates back to Roman times and has played an important role in shaping British culture and society.

One of the most popular attractions in Manchester is the Museum of Science and Industry where visitors can learn about the city’s industrial heritage. The museum is housed in a former railway station and features exhibitions on textile production, transport, communication and power. Visitors can see steam engines, airplanes, and interactive displays that show how machines have transformed people’s lives.

Another must-visit spot in Manchester is the John Rylands Library, which is home to a large collection of rare books and manuscripts. The library was founded by Enriqueta Rylands in memory of her husband, John Rylands, and opened its doors to the public in 1900. Visitors can explore the stunning neo-Gothic architecture and see some of the most valuable books in the world, including a Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century.

For sports enthusiasts, a visit to Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium is a must. The stadium is considered one of the most iconic football venues in the world and has hosted some of the biggest matches in football history. Visitors can take a tour of the stadium and see the dressing rooms, tunnel, and pitch where legends like David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo once played.

Manchester is also a city of culture and hosts a range of events throughout the year. One of the most popular events is the Manchester International Festival, which takes place every two years and showcases music, art, theatre, and dance from around the world. There are also many theaters, galleries, and music venues that host regular performances and exhibitions.


vibrant — жизнерадостный/динамичный

bustling — оживленный

industrial heritage — промышленное наследие

rare books and manuscripts — редкие книги и рукописи

neo-Gothic architecture — неоготическая архитектура

dressing rooms — раздевалки

pitch — футбольное поле

showcase — демонстрировать/показывать


1. Match the words with their definitions:

— vibrant

— dressing rooms

— industrial heritage

— rare books and manuscripts

— showcase

a. a place where football players change their clothes before a match

b. a lively and dynamic place

c. objects that are very old or not common

d. the history of a place or industry

e. to display or exhibit something


— a. dressing rooms

— b. vibrant

— c. rare books and manuscripts

— d. industrial heritage

— e. showcase

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words:

a. Manchester is known for its _____________, which dates back to Roman times.

b. The John Rylands Library houses a collection of _________________.

c. Old Trafford stadium has hosted some of the biggest _______________ in football history.

d. The Manchester International Festival ______________ music, art, theatre, and dance from around the world.


a. industrial heritage

b. rare books and manuscripts

c. matches

d. showcases

3. Write a paragraph about your favourite city. Use at least three of the vocabulary words from the text.

Sample answer:

My favourite city is Moscow. It is a vibrant and bustling city that has a rich cultural heritage. One of the most popular attractions in Moscow is the State Tretyakov Gallery, which houses a collection of rare artworks from famous Russian artists. The city also has a rich industrial heritage that can be seen in its many factories and manufacturing plants. Finally, Moscow hosts many events throughout the year that showcase music, theatre, and dance from around the world.






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